Kids to Teens Students

“I really appreciated Daya’s 30+ years of experience working with children of all ages that she brings to the course.  This provided a balance of philosophy, real life practicality and fun that helped me connect as a learner to the content.”

“I valued practicing and learning tangible strategies, poses, games and activities that can be integrated right into my own planning and teaching.  I appreciated working on my own alignment and better understanding how to be safe in postures.”

“I valued observing classes being taught to children across all ages and appreciated being able to put into practice and integrate all that I learned with real classes.  Collaborating with peers is also invaluable.”

“ I loved the variety in the morning practices!  The differing styles/expertise of the teachers made for a wonderful experience that I can incorporate into my own practice.”

“The hands on learning and wide repertoire of activities, information, strategies etc, paved the way for a well-rounded experience and a sound foundation for preparing us for the practice teach and beyond.”

“The manual provides a great overview and will be a valuable resource as I go forward.  The hands-on experiences and learning repetitively also made me feel more comfortable and confident as the weeks went on.”

Mary Seney BucciComment