Kerry Molina

“How experienced and prepared the teachers were!!  Being able to teach live kids. I thought there was no way that could be set up.  You guys changed me as a person. All your love rubbed off. I wasn't expecting to be so touched by this experience.  You showed me who I can and want to be. I was surprised that this gift of teaching and what you taught can create this much positivity.”

“Observing and teaching live kids.  You can talk about it all day long, but being with a group of kids feels so different.  I’m so glad I got to see Daya, Julian and Amber teach. That was very valuable.”

“The focus on what we think and inspiring adult is what our intention for children’s classes are and the bigger picture of what this will bring to the children’s lives was a great way the preparation was started.  Then giving us the tools to be everything we want to be as instructors. Games, flows, songs, mantras, music, books, solids directions. We all got the tools.”

“I’m so impressed with the course.  I’m beyond impressed with how much work and heart ya’ll constantly showed.”

Mary Seney BucciComment