Amy Smith
“I really enjoyed the variety of yoga styles from the trainers - it gave us a variety of different influences to pull from while teaching. The other participants were also great. I liked that they were all from varied backgrounds and the focus that you guys put on building community. Having actual teens in the training was also a surprise - but I really enjoyed working with the two of them - I found it hugely beneficial.”
“The experience of observing the three of you teach classes with actual kids was beyond valuable - as was working with the kids of different age groups. I also feel like the morning practices were great for me personally and got me into the right headspace for the training each day.”
“I loved that chance to work with actual kids. I also appreciate the fact that Daya is an experienced veteran in the classroom and was able to connect to those of us who are school teachers and prepared us with an amazing toolkit to take back to our schools.”
“I really did have an excellent time and will forever cherish this experience and the chance to face my fears about teaching yoga to kids of all ages!”